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Video Requirements (verify here

  • Use our service within the first 48 hours of uploading the video for maximum effect.
    • If this is not possible, then we recommend applying the 'PPP' trick (set the video from Public back to Private back to Public).
  • Video should be at least 2 minutes long. Maximum length 20 minutes.
  • Video should be found in the top 100 YouTube results of your keyword(s).
  • Include your main keyword and variations in your video tags. Use max 7 to 9.
  • Include your main keyword (the keyword you want to rank for) at the beginning of your video title.
  • Include your main keyword at the very beginning of your video description.
  • Don't mix our service with services from someone else.
  • Do not change the title of your video while we are running your campaign.

Videos containing copyrighted material that is blocked by trademarks will not be discoverable, so it's important to ensure your video does not include such content.

Factors affecting YouTube channel and video visibility.
  • You just made some changes that YouTube needs to process (for example if you changed your name, it takes a few hours before the channel is again visible in search).
  • You don't have any video|s uploaded.
  • You don't have any views on the video.
  • If your channel is shadowbanned (create new one if that is the case).
These factors also affect channel visibility:

on YouTube Search

  • Account age and trust
  • Video retention
  • CT
  • Keyword comments

on Google Search

  • All the above + YouTube embeds

How to Optimize Your YouTube Video



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